Tác giả :


Major code: 52510406

1. Awarding Institution: 

                       Ho Chi Minh City University of Techonoly and Education 
2. Name of the final award:
                       Bachelor of Engineering 
3. Type of training: 
4. Training time:
                       Four years
5. Admission criterions
 High school graduate candidates have total score of Mathematics, Physics  and Mathematics, Chemistry, English (group D7) in annual National High School  Graduation Examination held in July by MOET higher than the cut-off score set by the HCMUTE based on the student admission quota from MOET.



Programme objectives

PO1. Graduates will be able to utilize foundational and advanced knowledge in science and engineering to achieve success in their career in the field of environmental engineering technology or related professional fields in accordance with their career goals.

PO2. Graduates will be able to become competent team leader or qualified team member who can solve practical socio-economic and environmental challenges.

PO3. Graduates will be able to participate in further education or research to pursue their professional development.

Expected learning outcomes

ELO1. Apply the knowledge of mathematics, sciences and society in the field of environment

ELO2. Apply the core knowledge of environmental engineering technology.

ELO3. Apply the specialized knowledge of environmental engineering technology.

ELO4. Identify, analyze and solve environmental problems

ELO5.Conduct experiments and evaluate the experiment results.

ELO6. Possess sufficient insight on and ability to solve practical socio-economic and environmental contradictions

ELO7. Be highly aware of the need and responsibility in life-long learning.

ELO8. Exercise professional ethics, honesty, and be able to determine the proferssional objectives and orientation.  

ELO9. Demonstrate the ability to work as a team leader and as a team member.

ELO10. Communicate effectively trhough written documents, electronic media, oral presentation and negotiation.

ELO11. Communicate effectively in English for environmental engineering technology.

ELO12. Practise the role and responsibility of an environemntal engineerer toward the society.

ELO13. Conceive ideas, model systems, implement and manage environamnetal projects.

ELO14. Design waste management and treatment systems.

ELO15. Implement and monitor waste management and treatment systems.

ELO16. Operate waste management and treatment systems.

* More Detail: Programme specification_2015.pdf


The EET programme equips graduates with competences to meet various requirements of different labor markets. Environmental engineers use the principles of engineering, soil science, biology, and chemistry to develop solutions to environmental problems. They are involved in efforts to improve recycling, waste disposal, public health, and water and air pollution control. They also address global issues, such as unsafe drinking water, climate change, and environmental sustainability. Environmental engineers conduct hazardous-waste management studies in which they evaluate the significance of a hazard and advise on treating and containing it. They also design systems for municipal and industrial water supplies and industrial wastewater treatment, and research the environmental impact of proposed construction projects. Environmental engineers in government develop regulations to prevent mishaps. After graduation, the graduates will be able to work in companies, factories, industrial zones, waste treatment plants, environmental monitoring stations, environmental consulting companies, universities, research institutes and local as well as state agencies.


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Copyright © 2013, HCMC University of Technology and Education
Faculty of Chemical and Food Technology
Address: 1 Vo Van Ngan Street, Thu Duc City, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.
Tel: (+84) 28 37221223 (4 8400)
E-mail: kcnhtp@hcmute.edu.vn 

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