Tác giả :

We have four labs: Environmental Analysis Lab; Advanced Technology Lab; Environmental Microbiology Lab and Waste Treatment Pilot Lab. These labs are equipped with modern facilities to serve educational and research activities of lecturers and students. 
Environmental Analysis Lab 
This lab is where students conduct experiments about Environmental Analytical Chemistry; Environmental      Engineering Chemistry; Air Pollution Treatment and Wastewater Treatment. (Read more ...

> Advanced Technology Lab
Advanced Technology Lab is equipped with modern facilities such as thermostatic shaker, high-pressure  liquid chromatography, multi handy lab 680, flue gas analyzer, etc., to service scientific research.  (Read more...)
Environmental Microbiology Lab
Experimental activities in Environmental Microbiology Lab include experiments on Environmental Microbiology, Soil Pollution and Water Treatment (Read more...)

Waste Treatment Pilot Lab
  This lab is where students design  and operate pilots for wastewater treatment, air pollution  treatment, etc. (Read more ...)
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Copyright © 2013, HCMC University of Technology and Education
Faculty of Chemical and Food Technology
Address: 1 Vo Van Ngan Street, Thu Duc City, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.
Tel: (+84) 28 37221223 (4 8400)
E-mail: kcnhtp@hcmute.edu.vn 

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