Tác giả :





Titroline titrator


Automatically titrate solutions

Test tube shaker


Mix samples in test tubes

High volume air sampler HV 500F


Take dust samples in the air

Gas sampler GS212


Take gas samples in the air

Sound Level meter NL21



Measure sound level in the air

Universal sample pump


Sample air for dust and gases

Fume hood


Remove poisonous gases and vapours

Centrifuge Z300


Centrifuge samples

Behr S2 Automatic distillation apparatus


Distill liquid samples

Spectrophotomter DR2800


Measure and analyze absorbance of liquid samples

Digital reactor block 200



Digest samples to determine the content of substances

Trace analysic


Measure trace concentrations of heavy metals

UV-Vis spectrophotometer


Measure absorbance of liquids

Rotary evaporator



Remove the solvent from the sample

BOD system


Determine the biological oxygen demand

Carbolite furnace


Calcinate samples at temperatures up to 1200 oC

Oven Memmert, UNB 500


Dry samples

Water distillation machine


Distill water

Technical balance Precisa, LS220A


Measure the mass of objects to 2 decimal places

pH/ion meter inolab pH 720


Measure pH and conductivity of solutions

Vacuum pump                                                                                                      


Filter material in the air exchange bin to guarantee clean air

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Copyright © 2013, HCMC University of Technology and Education
Faculty of Chemical and Food Technology
Address: 1 Vo Van Ngan Street, Thu Duc City, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.
Tel: (+84) 28 37221223 (4 8400)
E-mail: kcnhtp@hcmute.edu.vn 

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